Posted on June 13, 2017 at 12:04 PM
Professional Hackers Unleashed on ISIS by Israeli Government
The hitherto impregnable fortress of the Islamic state has been hacked by hackers under the payroll of the Government of Israel. These hackers got to know those bomb designers had devised a new bomb design technique in which bombs are made to look like laptop batteries.
This technology is specifically created to pass through the strict checking process at the airport (this much was made known by President Trump of America in a chat with Russian officials a little while back). These hackers achieved this due to the fact that they have one of the most advanced cyber systems in any Nation of the earth.
Israel is a Nation known to possess citizens who are believed to have one of the highest intelligence quotients in the world; this can be seen in their dominance of certain fields of human endeavor such as Agriculture, Engineering, Commerce and more importantly, in this case, Military warfare.
It is interesting to note that a large number of the countries citizens are mandated to serve in the military setup for some years as soon as they become 18 years of age, many of these teenagers already begin preparing to become part of the countries cyber forces at an even younger age.
It is on record that by the tenth grade of high school they hone their cyber skills, these schools serve as a form of conduit pipe for the cyber smart ones to get into the famous unit 8200 which is the cyber unit of Israel’s military. This unit is reputed to be the largest single unit in the Israeli Military setup. The conduit pipe like exploits of these schools virtually led to the collaboration with the Americans that led to the creation of the first ever cyber weapon in the world named Stuxnet. This technology was used to invalidate part of Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Anyone who scales through the unit 8200 is often time good enough to remain in the cyber circles even after their careers in the Military might have come to an end. The knowledge and expertise gained go a long way in making them relevant in the cyber world with many of them securing top jobs in the best firms.
For instance Cellebrite, a firm of Israeli origin became highly popular on the basis of its alleged partnership with the American Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) after they were said to have helped in unlocking the mobile phone used in the San Bernardino shooting that occurred in 2015, although this story has been debunked as being false. However, the firm does have ties with the FBI and other agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Border Protection Agency and also the Secret Service, all agencies that require high-level cyber Intel per time.
What makes this revelation even more interesting is the fact that Israel is actually a quite small Nation by population, as a matter of fact; it is estimated to be the size of the American city of New York which makes its exploits even more incredible.