Scammers are Using Firefox Browser Bug to Con it Users

Posted on November 7, 2019 at 7:03 PM

Scammers are Using Firefox Browser Bug to Con it Users

There is a bug on both the Windows and Mac versions of Firefox that scammers are currently exploiting. The scammers send a warning signal to users, alerting them to take action. Otherwise, their system will be disabled.

The message reads like this: “please stop and do not close the PC.”

Ars Technica reported that the scammers would send the message via the bug, alerting the user that they have blocked the registry on their computer. The scammer further informs the user that the registry key for their windows is not legal.

As a result, they have blocked the computer for making use of pirated software. The scammer convinces the user that they have blocked the computer for the user’s protection. He is then instructed to contact Windows support by calling a phone number: 1-888. The scammer will now warn that if the user fails to call the number for support within 5 minutes, they will disable the computer.

The Scammers sometimes ask the victim to pay a certain amount of money to rectify the problem. Some Firefox users have already fallen for this scam, but the problem is a faulty Firefox bug that gives access to the user’s system.

But Microsoft has come out to disassociate itself from the number. Mozilla also says they are trying to fix the problem with the bug.

Users can also fix the problem by preventing any access for prompts requiring authentication in their browser settings. But, Jerome Segura of Malwarebytes also reported that tech support scammers are still bypassing the fix. They are still using the same tactic to deceive victims.

Ars Technica notes that there are two options for users who receive the message to get rid of it. They can force-close the browser by using the force-close function on their MacOs or via the Windows task manager.

Even that does not solve the problem entirely. When the user resumes, the bug reopens the tabs, which will continue the endless circle. To solve the issue completely, users should close Firefox, restart and quickly cancel the scammer message tab before it has time to reopen. According to reports, that is the only way to completely get rid of the fake warning sign from their browsers.

No solution yet for the problem

At the moment, Mozilla is still trying to find a solution to the problem. Already, Mozilla is aware of the bug issue. The Internet Company has released a statement stating that it’s currently trying to fix the faulty bug. In the statement, Mozilla explained that it is expecting to fix the prompt blog before their Firefox 71 or Firefox 72 release. Some users have already fallen victim to the bogus message.  The internet community and other concerned stakeholders are trying to pass the information to Firefox users, so they don’t fall victim.

Scammers are Using Firefox Browser Bug to Con it Users
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Scammers are Using Firefox Browser Bug to Con it Users
There is a bug on both the Windows and Mac versions of Firefox that scammers are currently exploiting. The scammers send a warning signal to users, alerting them to take action. Otherwise, their system will be disabled.
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