Posted on November 13, 2018 at 4:16 PM
Arabs Suspected of Spying in the UAE Receive a Sentence with No Chance for Appeal
A recent verdict by the UAE Supreme Court has sentenced an Arab, AMH, to life imprisonment with no possibility of appeal. The defendant was found guilty of spying, which is why the court turned down the initial appeal and announced on Monday that he will be imprisoned for life, which will be followed by deportation.
Another appeal came from another accomplice in the same case, followed by upholding a 10 years’ ruling against this individual for the crime of spying and delivering sensitive data to intelligence agencies of a foreign country.
Furthermore, both defendants will have to pay Dh100,000 per person. This came as a final verdict and was issued by the Federal Supreme Court. As such, it is not subject to additional appeals.
Another verdict that was issued by Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal was approved by the State Security Court. This one was issued against a group of convicts.
A similar verdict was issued against a citizen of a Gulf country. This individual has had a 10-year prison term upheld, as well as a fine of Dh 100,000.
Another Arabian citizen, T.S.M. received a fine of Dh150,000 in addition to 10 years in prison. After serving the sentence, the defendant is to be deported from the UAE.
Two Arabs who supposedly took advantage of their job to gather information and pass it on to a foreign country’s intelligence agents were also sentenced to 10 years in jail, a Dh100,000 fine, and immediate deportation after serving the term. Another Arab, T.A.A.H., was cleared of all charges.
After serving a 15-year prison sentence and paying Dh1 million, an Arabian citizen is to be deported from the UAE by the decision of the court.
Another case has seen Federal Supreme Court’s State Security Court reject an appeal to change the verdict of an Arab sentenced to 10 years in prison and a Dh1 million fine. After serving the term, the defendant is to be deported. The same will happen to an Arab, T.A.A., who is to be deported after serving 10 years in prison, as well as to A.F.R. who has to pay Dh1 million and have 5 years of imprisonment.
The court has also rejected the appeal of a group of Arabian citizens that includes T.M.S, M.B.F., A.M.A, A.A.N, R.A.T., M.A.H, and A.G.F. The defendants were sentenced to 5 years in prison, as well as Dh500,000 fine for each individual. Finally, after serving their term, all defendants are to be immediately deported. Furthermore, the court has ordered that all communications devices will be confiscated, while all social media accounts will be closed, and information and images related to crimes committed by these defendants are to be erased. The defendants were found guilty of funding and likely joining the Daesh terrorist group, in addition to promoting their ideology.