Posted on November 6, 2018 at 5:35 PM
Huawei Helping China with Hacks
It may not be surprising anymore to discover that those governments who barred Huawei from working on networks are merely based on suspicion. A report from the paywalled, which quoted a Down Under government source that there has been a series of occasions where the Chinese government has pressed Huawei to provide them access to foreign networks.
However, no details were given but if the report is true, this may validate the worst fears of governments throughout the world regarding the fact that Chinese manufacturers and telcos are subject to the whims of Beijing and may be helping their country in infiltrating the network of customers including contractors, agencies, and governments in other countries.
JavaScript now a requirement to sign in
Do you like JavaScript? Well, recent security updates on the Google login page now require JavaScript to be enabled on the browser for them to work. What this means is that, without JavaScript, you cannot sign in to your Google account.
Apparently, the internet search giant is using an assessment tool, which will analyze suspicious behavior when users log in. JavaScript is one of these tools required, therefore must be enabled.
Google in its statement concerning this update said,
“Chances are, JavaScript is already enabled in your browser; it helps power lots of the websites people use every day. But, because it may save bandwidth or help pages load more quickly, a tiny minority of our users (0.1%) choose to keep it off. This might make sense if you are reading static content, but we recommend that you keep JavaScript on while signing in to your Google Account so we can better protect you.”
Crypto tracking apps create backdoors for Mac Users
Mac Users who invested in Cryptocurrencies will have to keep their two eyes open on the apps they are using to track their investments. According to researchers at Malwarebytes, there is a currency-tracking tool – CoinTicker, which activates a pair of backdoors when installing without the user knowing.
A statement from Malwarebytes says, “Although this functionality seems to be legitimate, the app is actually up to no good in the background, unbeknownst to the user. Without any signs of trouble, such as requests for authentication to root, there’s nothing to suggest to the user that anything is wrong.”
In the meantime, a duplicate of EggShell Server including script linking up the infected machine using a command server is been installed by the app. The aim is to harvest coin wallets massively.
Senator Joe Machine social media accounts hacked
A Democrat Senator Joe Manchin in West Virginia announced his account have been hacked by hackers. His social media accounts have been compromised. Though the report didn’t indicate the reason for this attack or what information was gathered, however, the senator noted that law enforcement is currently on the matter. With the US mid-term elections some hours away, it may be surprising to find that some members in the House and the Senate may have had their social media accounts attacked.