Posted on August 14, 2017 at 10:23 PM
Ukranian Postal Service Under DDoS attack
Ukranian national postal service, also known as Ukrposhta, underwent a series of massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on this Monday that lasted over 48 hours, two whole days, forcing the service to go offline.
A company called Infrastructure Ministry is running the postal service in question, including 12,000 postal offices and 76,000 workers under their wing scattered all over the country.
According to Ukraine’s Interfax news agency, there are no reports on who was behind the attacks. Still, the targeted computers belonged to the shipments and parcels tracking system.
On Tuesday, the attacked department wrote an update on their Facebook page, telling their customers that their IT services managed to normalize the situation during the first wave of attack that had begun a day earlier in the morning, making the services on the site work properly after 5 PM. But on the day the update was written, hackers came back once again. Due to their actions, both the website and services were working, but slowly and with interruptions.
Ukraine has been under many serious cyber attacks for a while now, including malware campaigns and similar cyber espionage targeting government institutions and critical infrastructure. Not many months ago, Petya wiper malware attack spread through Ukranian super markets.
The national police then took servers of a company that was associated with the spreading of Petya in Ukraine. A little later on, malware attacks of highly sophisticated nature targeted the country’s airport, energy plant, and the power grid.
Since last year, the amount of large scale DDoS attacks has risen, as well as their duration. About a week ago, a Chinese Telecom firm suffered DDoS attacks that lasted for 11 days, approx. 227 hours.
Not only that, but in MArch of this year, cyber criminals used a Mirai malware variant to start a 54-hour long DDoS attack on a US college.