Posted on October 12, 2022 at 12:41 PM
Blizzard was targeted by another DDoS attack as the company completed the maintenance process
A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack has targeted Blizzard. The attack in question has triggered issues for players of Overwatch 2. This is the latest in a series of similar attacks that have targeted the platform recently.
Blizzard and Overwatch 2 were targeted by a DDoS attack
The DDoS attacks have followed the launch of the free-to-play shooter’s. The launch happened last week. The latest attack occurred after Overwatch 2 completed a series of emergency maintenance processes.
According to Blizzard, the DDoS attack has already ended. However, the back-to-back attacks are not a positive sign for the game. The game’s existence has also been affected by several technical issues.
The attack caused issues for players. Reports indicate that some players on could have experienced disconnections and high latency following the DDoS attack. The Blizzard Support team on Twitter has confirmed that these issues could have been experienced.
The attack started shortly after a period of emergency maintenance sessions. The maintenance period left the Overwatch 2 game offline for around one hour.
Blizzard acknowledged the issues being experienced by players on their forum. The platform said it focused on fixing an issue preventing players from accessing the heroes they owned. The company said that the issue was caused by a server error when tracking the player’s progress.
The DDoS attacks are not the only issues faced on the Overwatch 2 platform. The platform reported that two of its heroes were temporarily removed from playing. Moreover, the platform was also conducting bug fixes on the ability kits of these heroes.
All play modes were also changed amid the technical issues faced by players on the platform. In all modes, a transforming robot, not a Transformer Bastion, was withdrawn from these games.
The impersonator of Techie ZZ was also removed from the competition. However, the impersonator remained in playing mode in Quick Play. The two heroes were detected to contain bugs. According to Blizzard, these bugs had a huge impact on gameplay.
According to a report on Reddit, the issue detected with Bastion was a glitch in the artillery ultimate of the character. The ability for the character was integrated during the rework of the Bastion Overwatch.
There was also an issue with the timer if players pressed Q and the left mouse button on their PCs. The issue arose when the two buttons were pressed simultaneously, as when the last shell of Bastion was fired.
The issue extended the timer, allowing the Bastion to fire as many shells as possible. The issue with Torbjorn was reported in a subreddit dubbed Competitive Overwatch, pointing to doubling the character’s overload ability. This only worked a single time. However, it increased the time the ability could remain active and stacked the character’s armor.
Issues with the game
The gaming sector has grown significantly. While the demand for new games by players is still high, gaming platforms are facing a myriad of issues that could lower activity and cause a drop in revenues.
Users have provided critiquing reviews about the Overwatch 2 game. Users have acknowledged that while the game was fun, the expectations for its sequel were underwhelming.
In one of the reviews, a user has acknowledged that Overwatch 2 is a phenomenal project. However, the user has said that while the sequel is also good, it was underwhelming and it did not meet the expectations of users. Therefore, users are advocating that there be a content update and a better sequel that will compete against popular ones such as Fortnite.
Activision Blizzard is also facing legal issues. The company was locked in a legal battle after reports alleged that the workplace discriminated against employees. The company has been accused of mistreating users, harassment and for promoting poor working conditions.
The company is also currently in the process of being acquired by tech giant Microsoft. The acquisition deal is estimated to be worth $68.7 billion. The acquisition deal was announced in January.
While announcing the acquisition, the head of Blizzard Entertainment, Mike Ybarra, announced his commitment to supporting change in the company. The change in question could be in relation with the workplace issues being faced by the platform that are denting the company’s reputation. The complaints also threatened to deter gamers from using the platform.