DDoS Attack! Behind Latest Outages on Internet

Posted on October 14, 2013 at 1:12 PM

DDoS Attack! Behind Latest Outages on Internet

We are facing with crime industry that is arranging specific services to rent ad hoc network used to amplify attacks, a phenomenon in constant growth. We have also consider that the attacks are becoming daily more sophisticated addressing various level of network stack and often in multilayered offensive. Malicious hackers launch more than 7,000 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks each day. It’s not just your website that is at risk, either. DDoS attacks can inflict damage by taking down automated communication systems, VoIP systems, email, bill-pay applications and more.

The increase of the attacks is also motivated by a couple of other factor, the diffusion of mobile devices and also the introduction of IPv6 protocol. One of the IT sector that is interested by the major growth is without doubt the mobile, an increasing number of platforms and related application has been developed in the last mouth consolidating the trend. Of course with growth has been observed a sensible increasing of cyber attacks on the mobile sector, today still vulnerable on the security perspective. To an impressive growth in the demand is not corresponded the awareness of the threat, the user ignores most of the time the potential of its smartphone and threats which it is exposed.

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